WordPress or Blogger ?

Many of the people get confused which platform to use , to build their website. Yes it may be for personal or for business purpose .There are may other platforms to create a website but I think worpress.com and blogger.com have hit the market since their existence. Lets go to the concept now.
Blogger is owned by Google and its free. You don’t have to invest a single penny, while you need something to invest if you want to go through wordpress.Blogger is the best platform for newbies( new in blogging) to start with as its free and very easy to use.I can tell you my personal experience I started with blogger .You don’t need any kind of  website building experience.Don’t take blogger lightly its quite handy and can make you shine.Blogger also provides templates(themes).
While searching on google you must have noticed many websites with “blogspot.com” domain on the first page itself . So without any hard SEO you can make your website to the top because google simply loves blogger as it is owned by Google itself.You love things that belong to you? Yeah ?

WordPress is an organisation and  it has gained a high reputation due to its cutomization properties. You need a hosting to start with wordpress unlike blogger.It has been found through asurvey that majority of the websites use wordpress nearly about 46% . Its only because it has high cutomization. You need to know something about website building tactics if you choose wordpress, with some basic HTML and CSS knowledge.
The search engine optimization in wordpress is upto the throat. WordPress offers many plugin that you can use to make your website fly over google.This is where blogger falls short. With wordpress you can use some plugins like ” All is One SEO Pack” and “Keyword tool” which will make your website look professional.
In reply to wordpress’s plugins blogger has gadgets which is used by webmasters in building theirwebsite.In simple words website integration is above the mark in wordpress.The Gadgets andplugins really help too build the core of your website .If you don’ have any idea about HTML and PHP they are gonna help you to make diminish the factor.
Both wordpress and blogger provide themes and templates to make your website look eye catchy.But wordpress provides more professional themes than blogger and some quite awesome theme management options.You can change both their domain names to top label domain.
What you go for completely depends upon you but I would choose blogger if  I was someone new into blogging , WordPress at the later stage when I get at least some knowledge about website building .You can fly hing with both blogger and wordpress but you don’t have to do a lot of  hard work on blogger when compared with wordpress.Google spiders will always hunt a blogger blog before a wordpress powered blog unless it has some SEO done.
Wodpress: WordPress.org
Blogger: Blogger.com


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