How to Import and Export Your Blog in Blogger

How long you have been blogging? It doesn't matter if you are a fresh blogger with few posts or got 1000s of posts right now. You 
How to Import and Export Your Blog in Blogger
publish posts after going through enormous facts and information or put up your whole life experiences on it. What is common there is you would like to share it with all others. Further you may create or craft images for your posts and embed valuable multimedia content to make your blog a valuable resource for your readers. But what if you lose all your content published on your blog in a sudden?

Did you ever think about that? Your blog is online and there could be variety of reasons you could lose your content. May be purposely, group of people may report you as a spammer and you end up with no access to your blog. Or accidently your blog may get deleted and it cannot be undone. Or there could be lot of unpredictable reasons on the web that cause your blog get disappeared. We can't predict what threats there could be and what could be happened in next moment. So rather than finding solutions after a situation, prevention would be even more better.

Due to these security reasons, Blogger let you save your blog content in a safe place. Literally say, it's a back up. You can easily back up your content on your hard drive with a single click and simply import your blog content again if you got any critical situation. Or if you wanna move your content to another blog, this would be really helpful too.

All your blog content and corresponding Blogger comment form comments will be saved or exported here.

i. Go to Blogger Dashboard.

ii. Click on your Blog Title.

iii. Navigate to Settings.

iv. Jump to Other tab below.

v. Click on Export blog link under the Blog tools heading.

vi. Now click on Download Blog button in the pop up box. It will download your blog content and related comments for you stored in a XML file (.xml). Keep it in a safe place.

vii. Close the pop up.

Import Your Blog
Here you can easily import all your saved content to your Blogger blog.

i. Go to Blogger Dashboard.

ii. Click on your Blog Title.

iii. Navigate to Settings.

iv. Jump to Other tab below.

v. Click on Export blog link under the Blog tools heading.

vi. Click on Choose File button on the pop up and click open after selecting your previously saved/exported blog content XML file (.xml).

vii. Fill out the word verification beneath and check Automatically publish all imported posts option if you want to publish your imported posts automatically, right after importing them. Else after importing, your posts may remain unpublished until you navigate to your Blogger dashboard and publish each of them manually.

viii. Now click on Import Blog button to import your blog content with corresponding post comments.

Note: If you importing content to a existing blog, then each of your imported posts will sorted by date and added to the particular places of your blog.

ix. Close the pop up.

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Posted By Waqas A.11:24

How to Display a Map on Your Website with Google Maps

Why do you need maps? Most probably you use maps to get directions to somewhere or find a location. But why do you need to use maps on your website? If you are representing a business or offering services via website, your customers or people who are interested in your business may much prefer to find out where is your company or 

Organization located. However you can just display official address or mention location on your website. Does it make sense? Hmm... for some extent. But sometimes your address could be doubtful for some people. So you can overcome this by displaying a map with directions for someone who wanna come over to your company or organization. Else you may wanna use maps to interpret a location for your audience. However there could be lot of usages beyond what I could think of right now. I ll leave it to you. Would you like to embed a map on your blog or website too?

If someone wanna come over to your company or organization, a map would be really helpful for him/her to figure out directions. Even though if someone don't wanna reach out, a map could emphasis about a real business behind the website. Or you just wanna embed a map on your article so your readers find it useful. However if you are looking forward to embed a map on your website, Google Maps is great service to display maps on your website. Basically Google Maps is a map service that you can explore or search locations and get driving directions immediately. Further it helps you create your own custom maps too. However here we gonna help you out with embedding a map on your website.
Before You Go:

If you wanna plot multiple locations on a map, you need to sign in to your Google account. If you haven't got one, create a new Google account.

Follow Steps:

1. Navigate to Google Maps website.

2. Now select as per your requirement, select and follow relevant option from below.

Plot One Location

i. Search for a location or locate the area you wanna display.

ii. Now you need to select map type and attributes you'd like to display. Select them from top right menu.

 Some attributes or options such as Photos, Weather may not compatible with embeddable map.

Use zoom level control and position control on the left of the map to adjust your map display as you would like it to appear on your website.

Plot Multiple Locations

i. Click on My places button from left pane.

ii. Sign in to your Google account via Sign in button, if you haven't already signed in.

iii. Now click Create Map button.

iv. Add a title for your map and a description if you prefer. Further you can change privacy options as listed.

v. Click on Placemark icon on the map and mark your locations one by one with added title and description on the map.

vi. Now you need to select map type and attributes you'd like to display. Select them from top right menu.


* Some attributes or options such as Photos, Weather may not compatible with embeddable map.

* Use zoom level control and position control on the left of the map to adjust your map display as you would like it to appear on your website.

vii. Save your map and click Done.

viii. Now click on Rate this map link underneath your map details on left pane.

ix. Rate your map and click on your map preview.

3. Now click on the link icon on left panel.

4. Now click on the link Customize and preview embedded map on the box.

Note: If you can't find Customize and preview embedded map link on the box, you may have selected an incompatible attribute or option at the map display. Try deselecting options such as Photos, Weather.

5. You will get the customization window for your map. Select your preferred map size or enter custom dimension values.

6. At the bottom of customization window you will able to find embeddable code for your map. Now grab your code snippet and add it to your website.

Note: If you are a Blogger user and wanna add it to your layout, you can add your map code snippet via HTML/JavaScript element.

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Posted By Waqas A.11:21

How to Add Search Description for Your Blog in Blogger

Just indicating your blog description using text or at settings doesn't helpful for search engines to identify it as your blog description. You need to tell search engines about your blog description to display it underneath your blog title in search results. That's how it becomes a search description or snippet which displays in search results. Below is a snapshot of how my blog appears on Google search results.

However it's quite a technical process and a vital concern in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Normally in first phase, search engines crawl sites for description meta tag to 

What is your blog about? It could a personal diary where you write your personal stuff or could be following a specific niche or broad topic. However did you ever think about telling people what is your blog about? Generally, blog description is a concise description about your blog and it defines the purpose of your blog. 

Before You Go:

You need to check your template for the availability of below code snippet in it. If it's not available in your template, add it right after <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> line of code.

<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'><meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/></b:if>


1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.

2. Click on your Blog Title.

3. Navigate to Settings tab from left pane.

4. Now jump to sub option Search preferences.

5. Find option Description under Meta tags heading and click Edit link correspond to it.

6. Now set option Yes for setting Enable search description?.

7. Now add your blog description in the respective text area.

Note: Make sure your blog description doesn't exceed 150 character limit.

8. Click on Save changes button.
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Posted By Waqas A.11:17

How to Change Your Blogger Background Image and Color

Designing your blog is a crucial factor and it will helps you to impress your readers at first sight. There are many options you can follow such as using a custom templates, customizing elements, use of effects on images and more if you consider attractive designing for your blog. However design itself not enough for your blog. So you should work on content to be qualitative too. When it comes to designing, how does your blog background aids in impressing 
readers? You may not care about it, but your blog background which spread over large amount of area could be able to convey what type of blog and what kind of personality you have. Would you like to give more color to your blog with different background image and colors?

As you change templates, you might see different backgrounds native for them. It could go with your blog and content. It may be your favorite choice. If you have type of common background image, then readers may not impress with your design. Also if it doesn't work out or seems odd for you, then you might seek a way to make use of another background image or background color. So you wanna change background image with a one suitable for your theme. As another reason, sometimes they will find your background color is buggy when they reading your blog. You know, background color and content color should be matched and readers should be able to read them easily without finding any friction for them. So in such a scenario, you have to change your background color to make it more convenient with a new look to your readers. Let's take a look at customizing your blogger background.


1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.

2. Click on your Blog Title.

3. Now navigate to Template tab.

4. Click on Customize button beneath your live blog preview.

Change Background Image

i. Click on Background on left pane.

ii. There you can find heading Background image and click on the image box below the heading.

iii. Either you can select background image provided by Blogger or use Upload image menu item to upload you own image.

Remember: Blogger allows you to upload only JPG, GIF or PNG or any Picture files and size should be equivalent or below to 300 Kilobytes. It recommends to use images with 1800 x 1600 or greater dimensions.

iv. Click Done button after the completion of upload.
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Change Background Color

i. Navigate to Advanced menu item.

ii. Find and click Backgrounds sub menu item.

iii. Change Outer Background, Main Background or/and Header Background color as you prefer.

5. After making necessary changes, click Apply to Blog button to commit your changes.

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Posted By Waqas A.12:31

How to Customize Fonts and Colors in Your Blogger Template

How much do you care about your blog design? Do you design it by yourself or use a custom template designed by someone else? However it's up to you to decide whether to use official Blogger templates or custom templates. The look and feel of your blog goes with your taste and creativity. Even though you satisfies with your template, later on you may wanna make some changes to enhance your blog design and to give it a new look. For example, assume you wanna change page text and its color. In such a situation, do you wanna contact your template designer to make these changes for you?

Absolutely not. Blogger has extended its template design capabilities for you and made it further more simple. Blogger let you customize fonts, colors and backgrounds of your blog easily via a single interface - Blogger Template Designer. So even if you have no HTML or Cascade Styling Sheet (CSS) knowledge, still you can create the perfect look for your blog. Blogger expanded capability of customization and breaks the limitations. Now it includes wide range of stylish font selection to make your blog design more stylish and modernize. Blogger Template Designer Advanced settings allows you to customize page text, backgrounds, links, tabs, titles and other elements in your template.

1. Navigate to Blogger Dashboard.

2. Click on your Blog Title.

3. Navigate to Template from left pane.

Note: Before editing your template, you may want to save a copy of it.

4. Now click on Customize button underneath your blog preview.

5. Now you will be directed to the Blogger Template Designer. Then jump to Advanced section.

6. Now here you can customize fonts and colors of different elements on your blog. Below you can find the description for each page element.
Page Text

Here you can change the font used in the blog and color of the text. However this doesn't affect for your text in posts.

Here you can change background colors of your template - Outer background, Main background and Header background. If you wish to change your background image, read How to Change Your Blogger Background Image and Color.

This section will allows you to change the font and colors of links displayed on your blog.

Blog Title
If you are not using custom header, here you can change the font and color of your blog title displayed in the header.

Blog Description
Your blog description displays along with the blog title on header if you are using standard blog header. So here you can change color of the blog description shown below the blog title.

Tabs Text
Here you can change font and colors of the text displayed on the tabs.

Tabs Background
You can change the background color and selected color of your tabs here.

Post Title
If you wish to change the font of post titles, here you can manage it.

Date Header
If you displaying date header on top of list of posts within the day, you can change font and color of date header.

Post Footer
Here you can manage the properties of post footer such as text color, background color and shadow color.

You can change title of gadgets aka elements here.


Here you can manage borders, background and caption of images used in your blog.


Here you can change separator line color and tabs border color.

Add CSS Code
If you are familiar with Cascading Style Sheets aka CSS, here you can add custom CSS snippets to override existing styles of your blog.

* As you change each values, you can see the live preview of your changes on below view pane. Whenever you select an element, the affected area will be shown by a red dashed line.

* If something goes wrong, you can revert changes to default with the help of link displayed at the bottom of each section.

7. If you are not happy with live preview, click View Blog link on top bar to view your blog with the changes you have made in a different browser tab or window.
8. Once you are comfortable with changes you have made, click Apply to Blog button to apply changes permanently.

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Posted By Waqas A.12:28

5 Reasons Why Should We Blog

Blogging is a business for those who can write and share knowledge about a specific filed. It could be technology, social media, internet or blogging. If you can write and share then you can start blogging, however you must know that why you should start a blog and not any other online business. Before going in details, let me describe blogging in a few lines.

Blogging is business where you provide knowledge and information. In return you get readers and advertisers. Your readers are basically your customers and advertisers are those who provide you revenue channels.
As you can see now a days a lot of students are joining the blogging industry and there a are few reasons why they jump into it.
1. Earning Money
The first and common reason of blogging is to earn a few bucks and live a independent life. Even some bloggers have taken blogging as a career and they are now earning huge amount of money. Basically for every blogger it is the money that motivates them and forces them to join it. You can earn money by using Ads of diffrent companies Like Google Adsense & so many others.
2. Learning Knowledge
The second reason why you should start a blog is to learn. As you will be writing different articles in your blog, thus you will learn and your knowledge will increase. If you are writing on technology, then every day you will know about a new software, way and process. For me blogging is a very informational way to learn knowledge on internet about the latest technology stuffs.
3. Interaction with Others
If you want to interact with people around the globe then blog is a best tool for you to keep engaged with the whole world. That is why a lot of people has jumped in this field just to interact with others and build online reputation. Although the motive can be business or any other, but if you want to interact with the world then blog is a great tool.
4. Promotion of Business
Companies have also started a blog for there company and they are now writing different articles in there blogs to attract new customers. No doubt that blogs are now one of the best and working platform to popularize a business. In term of SEO blogs are the most effective tool to attract search engines and ultimately customers. Thus this is also a reason you can also start a blog to promote your own business on internet. Best place to promote you business free of cost.
5. Hobby
If you love fashion, music, sports or any other activity you can popularize your self using the power of internet in shape of starting a blog. Blog will help you to visible your talent to the whole world. As I said in the beginning you can use blog to interact with peoples around the globe, thus you can easily popularize your self using blog channel.
Blog can be used for different purpose and it depends on your motive. If it is money, then that’s great, if you want to learn then that is better. It is a very quick platform for you to join the online community.
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Posted By Waqas A.12:02

Google Adsense Requirements And Tips For Quick and Fast Approval

All of us know that Google Adsense is the highest paying advertising network  in the world, but we also know how hard it can be to get approved for the Adsense program. Even I too was rejected about two times before I was finally accepted for the Adsense program.
Along my blogging journey till now, I have come across a lot of tips that can help you get your adsense account approved quickly and so today I am going to share them to you all.
Mostly peoples from over the world can't Approved from Google adsense, Never ever try to do fake click on your ads, if you do this you will ban, some peoples have low earning then can't wait more they trying to do fake with adsense that why they can't approved with adsense.
First of All let us review the minimum requirements for the Google Adsense program:

Google Adsense Minimum Requirements:

  1. You should be older than 18 years to apply for Adsense. If you are smaller than 18 years than you could ask your Parents to apply on your behalf.
  2. You should have a fully launched website. Google Adsense does not entertain Under Construction websites.
  3. Your website should have a good amount of content. You should know that Google does not accept sites with very less contents.
  4. A valid email address that works because you will be getting verification and confirmation email in that address
  5. A bank account so that you can deposit the checks that you receive from Adsense.
  6. Your blog/website must not contain illegal content, pornography and hate-related stuffs.
  7. Your website or blog  should be 6 months old. (Well, I know that Google is not quite strict on this requirement and if the Google Adsense Team finds that your website is good enough then they approve it even if it is 1-2 months old.)

Tips to Get Quick Approval In Adsense

The following tips will try to answer the question “How To Get Approved In Adsense?”
  • Make Sure you have atleast around 10-12 posts in your blog before you apply for Adsense.
  • Make sure that you have atleast a decent amount of traffic to your blog or website. Google would not accept anyone having 10-20 unique visitors a day.
  • If you are thinking about starting a website or a blog and have not started one yet, you should get yourself a domain which has a good age ( Age means the amount of time the domain has been live and used for a website). A good enough age would be 1-2 years and more.
  • Avoid writing anything about Adsense before you apply for Adsense. Even if you do write, avoid writing anything negative against Google, Adsense or any of Google’s subsidiaries.
  • Avoid using advertising from other networks when you apply for Adsense. Google hates competition.
  • Do not use high Paying keywords in your site when you apply for Adsense. Google may get the hint that you are there only for the money and not for providing information and knowledge to your readers.
  • Write quality content on your blog/website, Do not use freely available articles from Article Directories or PLR Articles. Google takes your content quite into consideration before approving or disapproving sites to their program.
  • Build a good amount of backlinks to your blog/site. If you can, then build links from quality sites with good PR. Your backlink popularity may just impress the Google team to approve your application.
  • If you are a business owner then try adding a blog related to your business to your site before you apply for Adsense. Add a blog, add contents to it and promote it enough to get decent traffic.You could impress Google Team by your attachment  to the business.
  • If you are just starting blogging, choose niches which pleases Google for example Open Source, Charity etc. You may just strike the softer part of the Google Adsense Team. (Well, on a short note: This cannot be possible if you are already blogging and have a blog/website in a niche, so you could just make a blogspot Blog around a soft-niche as mentioned above and build some link and traffic around it.)
  • If your website is not a blog but a ‘traditional informational website’, make sure you have at least 10 pages. Make Sure  your main page link to these 10 pages in a clear and concise way.
  • Have an ‘About’ page. Google really wants to know What is your site about and Who Are You?
  • Have a ‘Privacy Policy’ Page. If you don’t know how to make one, go to
  • Your site has to be easy to navigate and legible. No misleading links that route everywhere and frustrate a vistor.
  • If you are using WordPress, then do sure to add some information about yourself  in your profile and do not forget to use your real name. It increases creditability.
  • Avoid writing about Black Hat Techniques while applying for Google Adsense
  • Avoid using Pop-ups or Pop-up Advertising when you are applying for Adsense
  • Make a blog at, build traffic and links to it and then try signing up for Adsense through It has been noticed that Adsense Application through has higher chances of approval.
  • Try registering for Adsense through Google Adsense Partner Sites like Youtube, HubspotFlixyaDocstoc,Xomba and Infobarrel. Many people have got success in registering for Adsense using these sites.
All in all these are just basic rules that you can follow to become successful in getting your Adsense application approved. There is no quick route to success and in a similar manner there no such quick route to Google Adsense approval too. If you follow all of the above tips then I am sure your Adsense application will certainly get  approved. Yet, if you get rejected following the above tips too,  just keep your patience intact, do a bit more link building, social media promotion and post some more quality articles in your blog/website and surely you are going to get approved.
Also on side note, I would like to warn you against the number of  “Get an Adsense Account in 24 hours” type of offers that have been coming up in the Internet. Be cautious and stay away from them. They may give you an Adsense account in a day or so but that account will not last long and will be banned in a few months.
I hope you do get approved for Google Adsense following all these tips and If you do so then do not forget to return back and comment here.

Posted By Waqas A.12:00

Tips On How To Become A Better Blogger

This is a follow up article for the How do I Start a Blog and Make Money Online series that we have been publishing on this blog to help the newbie’s get started with a blog. This article covers some good practices that you should develop to become a better blogger.

1. Chose The Right Topic For Your Blog

There is usually a big debate on which path to go down when choosing the topic of your blog. If you decide it then you should have fundamental concept of topic that you chose for blog. Some will advice you to find a niche that people spend money in and focus purely on the profitability. Others will say don’t go for the money at first, focus on your passion because things that you personally enjoy and know about will be easy to create good content on and in the process you will make money. I will leave it up to you to decide but I can only suggest that you consider both sides of the story before making up your mind. Some people can remain motivated because of the process, not the topic but that doesn’t work for me. I need to enjoy the topic.

2. Challenge Yourself

You might be an expert on the topic that you cover but it can become boring if you write from the same angle all the time. Get out of your comfort zone a little, learn more about the complex areas of your topic and present some interesting facts of your discovery to your readers and they will respect your effort.

3. Create Your Own Style

When you write try to add your own opinion or flavor that will make your posts unique. If you write about something technical then think how you can make it easy for the average readers who are not very familiar with the technical terms. Why should visitors keep coming to your blog when other bloggers are also writing on the same topic? It is your unique styles that will help you stand out in the crowd and make your blog different than a regular one.

4. Show Your Passion And Credibility

Building your reputation is very important. You need to gain the trust of your readers before they listen to you. If you talk about Green Peace then you need to let your readers know how passionate you are about it. This is where choosing a blog topic that you are passionate about helps. Let your visitors know how involved you are and what you have achieved so far. Humans can smell bullshit very easily so don’t just lie to your readers as this will ruin your credibility. The visitors who will be coming to your blog are most likely passionate about your blog topic so if you are not seriously involved then why should they listen to you and read your blog?

5. Know Your Readers

If you have a good understanding of your reader’s motivation, passion, need then it will be a lot easier for you to write articles that your readers will appreciate. Visitors most likely come to your blog because they either want to learn something or they are looking for a solution so you need to provide them with what they are after. Try to put yourself in their shoe and be on the lookout as to how you can satisfy them.

6. Be Consistent

Consistency is one of the keys to be a successful blogger. Make a routine of how often you want to publish new posts on your blog and try to stick to this routine. Do not worry too much about profit when you are starting out. Think in terms of adding tons of value consistently and the money will come.

7. Be Clear, Short And To The Point

The trick is to get your readers’ attention quickly. Statistics show that on an average most readers will decide if they are going to read the full post or not in the first few seconds after they land on an article. Having a nicely formatted structured post with short paragraphs and bullet point does the job. Don’t make the post unnecessarily long, divide them into short paragraphs and use bullet points or numbered list for ease of reading. Also use sub-heading so the readers can easily find the information they are looking for and always stay on topic. If you fill up your post with irrelevant information, readers will loose interest and leave your blog.

8. Proofread Before Publishing

I used to get too excited to publish a post as soon as I was finished writing it when I first started blogging. I didn’t used to spend any time to find spelling and grammatical errors. Lots of grammatical and spelling mistakes on an article will turn off the readers. So proofread your article before you hit the publish button. If possible, ask a friend to proofread your article. This can help greatly when you are starting out as it’s hard to find your own mistakes at first.

9. Involve Your Readers

As I have mentioned before that a blog is more interactive than a traditional website which is the reason blogs are so popular. Through interaction you can create a good bonding with your readers. So try to get your readers involved in your blog by asking them to leave comments, participating in surveys etc.

10. Reply To Comments

Reply to the comments left by your blog visitors. If someone has taken the time and effort to leave a comment on your blog then the least you can do is reply with a simple “Thank You” or answer their question. If you have a really popular blog and you get tons of comments daily then it may not be practical to reply to every comment left on your blog but in general replying to a comment shows that you care about your visitors so try to do it.

11. No Shortcuts

You need to understand that there are no shortcuts to success and it’s definitely not going to come overnight. Try to add value to the community, be consistent, hard working and patient and blog success will follow.
If you apply these simple tips you can become a Better Blogger.
Hope you like this post, If you have any query in your mind you are free to leave comment.
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Posted By Waqas A.11:59

Common Ways To Earn Money Online

People are already familiar with business online and the Internet has made the lives of people in business easier to promote their products online world wide. However, the competition for site traffic promotion is getting tougher especially that these days there are too many methods you can use to drag visitors to your sites.

In these situations, there are sprouting opportunities to easy money online. Web site promotion is one of the ways to earn money. How? Website promotion increases your web site’s visibility to customers and search engines. Promoting websites also increases it’s page rank as well. If you have a high search engine ranking, most probably people will get to see your site easily because a high page rank means you appear on the first few pages of the search page. This way, you get more visitors and possibly, more sales. So web site owners are looking for potential people or professionals that can do web site promotion for their sites. Even people with no experience in web promotion can actually do this. Proper training and supervision are the keys to learn the basics of web promotion. As soon as you are ready for the job you can now make easy money online.

Here are some common ways you should know in web site promotion.
The most common way to earn money online is back linking by posting comments on forums. This is actually effective because you can leave links to promote your website. This enhances your page rank and at the same time it attracts other website owner or another blogger to click on your links that lead to your site.

You can also do Submission of website URL to online directories. Doing so can possibly increase the websites visibility and the one way back link from the directory can help you a lot in the page ranking. There a lot of free Directories online so won’t be having a hard time looking for a place to submit.
Another kind of website advertising is Link Exchange. This means that two people allowing both to advertise on each other’s page.

And last but not the least is Article Submission. It enhances web traffic by putting a link to every article that you submit that leads to your website.

There are still lots of ways for website promotion which Internet Marketers use. The things I have shared are common ways in promoting a website that can actually be ways to earn money. This isn’t actually very easy to get good results but if you are eager to be successful, nothing is impossible. Plus if you are patient and dedicated enough in your work, more clients will come to you. If this happens you are one of those lucky ones who makes easy money online.
Remember: There are lot of fake Job, before decide to work must think weather you are working is fake or not.

Posted By Waqas A.11:52

3 Easy Tips Make Money Online

Having a problem landing a job? You can try to  make income without having to knock on doors. However, you need some tips to set up a business online. You must have knowledge on how to make it work. Here are some easy tips that might help you make income online. For beginners, they might think it’s impossible but not at all, as long as you are dedicated to do so.
Literally, there are thousands of people who make full time incomes online. They do different kinds of things: freelance, affiliate marketing, and blogging are three possibilities. There are certainly a lot more, in fact. You can make income online in so many different ways. Let’s take a look at these three easy tips that might give you some ideas.

Freelancing is one of the best ways to make money working online when you’re just getting started to set up an online business. You can freelance in many ways. You can do graphics for other people, do programming or build websites. These are some brilliant possibilities to make income online. Doing freelance can take you to set up you own Online Business once you have gained enough experience and knowledge on how how other Internet Marketers do to be successful.

Affiliate Marketing:
Affiliate marketing is like a kind of being an independent salesperson but it happens online. Affiliate marketers build sites, they drive traffic to those sites and make sales out of it. There’s a lot to know about affiliate marketing as a way to make income online. It’s not that hard to start when you learn the ropes of Internet Marketing.

Blogging is perhaps the easiest way to make income online for beginners. Blogging is the craft of building blogs about topics where people are interested in. If you have passion about something, might be a place, hobby, recreation, or anything where you are really interested in, you’ll be a good candidate to become a professional blogger. Of course, It is easier to write about something when you are not just writing for the interest of others, you write at your best when you love the topic as well. There are hundreds of bloggers out there who make big bucks by just blogging. You can be like them. All you have to do is Write about something you really care about and have passion to it. It’s a great way to make income online and you are just sitting at home.

Posted By Waqas A.11:51

How to Get Success In Online Business

We all want to be successful in Online Business because of the fact that it feels convenient working at home or anywhere and at the same time we make money just by sitting. Here are some ideas to gain success in online business.

First thing you have to do in setting up your online business is to plan things. You may need some basic education to start your business. You start gaining knowledge and experience, then enhance your confidence. There are steps to follow before you reach the success that you wanted. This may be a little complex but setting your goals, making your plans and staying in the course can somehow assure your success.

Second thing is knowledge. It’s necessary to know all you can about internet marketing no matter what online business you are in. You can never start anything without the knowing the basics. There are many different marketing styles that you need to learn about. Start with one method at a time and learn as much as you possibly can about it.  Patience comes with gaining knowledge. We have to sacrifice our time in order to learn enough and set up a business. You need to make some heavy research about well-known websites and you also have to learn how to build your own website where you can market your product. You must drive traffic to your website and promote your site to make sales. Most people who became successful in online businesses have actually worked hard to learn the basics of Internet Marketing and make some real money.

Lastly, You have to take action. To make it simple “do it.” Knowledge doesn’t work alone. After you have learned something, you must apply it, you put it into action to know if you can perform what you have learned well. Of course, we can’t deny the fact that we also make mistakes but we learn from it. Don’t give up when you think you’ve made a bad move, you can still do something to sort it out. Working Online comes easy if you have mastered the dos and donts of Online Business.

Success is just around you . So you can start planning, start making money and find the success you have always dreamed of as soon as you start marketing your business.
Success of business is depend upon you if you are well educated well skilled person then your business will flourish, and if you are unskilled person then you can not touch business peak.
Hope you like this post, if you have any query in you mind then you are free you leave comment.
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Posted By Waqas A.11:48

Tips For Students To Make Money Online ~ Must Read

Here’s a little help for students who are looking for an easier way to make money online just to make ends meet. You don’t need to stick around with odd jobs to earn money for your tuition fee. I’ll share a short guide on how to make money online. There are thousands of opportunities online waiting for you, just make sure that you select a scheme that will fit you depending on your own set of skills and the free time that you have each day.

Firstly, If you’re interested in having your own business to make money online, and in fact you can sell anything on the web, from old stuff, vintage clothes and to even baked goods,then an online store may just fit you. Most people would buy what you offer as long as you have the product that they want. If you have a unique product on your mind, you can open up an online store. It might take you to something greater someday.

Secondly, The power of writing to tempt people into your business is actually strong to make money online. You can do blogging to make some serious cash. Just think you’ll be able to make money online just by maintaining your blog and updating it constantly with fresh content. You can also join an affiliate program so that you can get commissions every time you make a successful sale. The more consistent viewers on your blog, the more people will get interested on your product. Though it may not earn you much money at first, you will notice that the cents can easily add up.

And lastly but not the least on the how to make money online is freelancing. Freelancing is a great opportunity for people who have special skills such as writing or graphic designing. Lots of companies are more interested in freelancers than looking for regular employees. You make money online fast by freelancing because with this way, you’ll be able to find a job that will certainly suit your own skills set or the lack of it. The thing with being a freelancer is that you get paid as soon as you accomplish the task.
It’s just so easy to make money online by sitting in front of your computer and the fact that you are your own boss doesn’t give you much stress with kind of business.

Posted By Waqas A.11:26

Basic Internet Marketing Tips To Make Money At Home

These days, there are hundreds of styles and steps to make money at home. Those styles can help you make an income and can take your online business to a success. However, the problem is that we tend to do a lot of things at the same time until we lose focus.

What you have to do to easily make money at home is to stay focus on each step that you take. Then, you have to decide on the project that you have chosen and stay there until it is finished.
A lot of people abruptly become too excited to make money at home. The fact that it is easy and there’s a possibility that they could even earn a lot. To make money at home, you need to plan things first, don’t jump on the first product that offers you to become an instant overnight millionaire. You can make money at home by looking deeply into the opportunities that is coming across you. Moreover, you have to know a bit of the basics of internet marketing.

You don’t need to be an expert. You need the basics of internet marketing to make money at home. Some of these areas are, knowing some basic “html, ftp, codes, registering domain names, hosting.” Another important thing to make money at home is to know some of the techniques to make your online business stress-free. Without knowing some of these techniques, you’ll make yourself frustrated.
You don’t need to be an above average person to be successful. To make money at home, you need to finish one project after another, you have to be patient, you must work hard and have the desire to achieve your goal in internet marketing.

As a matter of fact, it isn’t easy on the first time, but once you have started to do well on to make money at home, you have set everything up properly, things really get so easy. But then again, you must work hard for it and be determined.
One thing you also have to remember is not to treat your business as a hobby. You do a lot of hard work for it. Business is always a business and you have to treat it as such. You will have to invest time and money to make money at home. You will also sometimes feel that you are getting nowhere. However, to make money at home, you should not just give up.

You have to begin with picking a product that will teach you the basic internet marketing to make money at home.
If you want to be successful like the others, you have to endure all the problems you may encounter face challenges.

Posted By Waqas A.11:24

Making Money Online via eBay

One great place to make money online is eBay. You can basically sell anything on that site and there are a lot of features and options there to help you make numerous sales and earn huge amounts of income. If you are not familiar with eBay, it’s an online marketplace that lets you buy and sell different stuff. The goods that you can find there range from jewelries to clothes to DVDs to real estate. Who knows? Making money online via eBay could be your biggest break.

Although eBay details and processes are not that hard to understand, you can’t expect yourself to become successful if you don’t really focus on what you have to do. So pay attention and learn the things that you need to learn. With that being said, keep in mind these following useful eBay notes:

What to sell?
If you think you’re all set to conquer the world of eBay and make money online like never before, then you should start by asking yourself, “What products do I want to sell?” Some factors are to be considered before you can answer that question but the two things that Internet marketers mostly take into consideration are their interests and which products are currently on demand or which products are really making sales.

A lot of folks making money online via eBay take the “interests” factor seriously. Come to think of it. If you’re selling or promoting a certain product, it would be quite difficult if it’s something that you’re not really interested in. Let’s say, you have this interest in shoes and almost all kinds of it. If you’re signing up on eBay, this will be the perfect product that you should list and sell since you have this natural desire for this product. That means that any work or task related to that product – research, promotion, article writing, etc. – will be a walk in the park for you. It’s as if you can’t feel the pressure or the difficulty of the job and that’s a huge plus when you make money online because your performance will surely be excellent.

On the other hand, you may also want to consider which products really sell compared to others. The simple reason behind that is because this is a business. Making money online through eBay is no doubt a business. Therefore, you are doing this to make as many sales as possible and how will you do that if you’re listing products that do not sell? This is definitely another important factor to consider. You’re lucky if the product that you are really interested in also sells well on eBay. That’s like hitting two birds with one stone.

Find out what specific type of products really sell.
Knowing your interests won’t be that tough unless you don’t know yourself at all. So, the real task would be finding out which products on eBay do sell great. There are a lot of sections on the eBay site that you can go to to find the answers. By simply browsing the categories listed there, you will see products under a particular category that are highly on-demand especially those that are displayed on the first few pages. You can also check out the “What’s Hot” section under the “Sell” menu or try looking for reviews and guides under the “Buy” menu. Under the “Community” menu are more options and features that can help you find out what’s hot and what’s not on eBay like “Answer Center”, “Groups”, “Discussion Forums” and others. Knowing which type of products can give you the biggest sales and income and that’s what you want when you make money online.

Videos and photos of products
It’s good to know that eBay lets you add pictures and videos to your listing. This is quite beneficial for those making money online through this type of business since those photos and videos of your products can significantly increase your sales or get more people to check out your products. But before you do that, make sure you have read or reviewed the requirements, articles, details or guidelines pertaining to the inclusion of these videos and photos to avoid violating any rules.
Take note of these simple reminders when you start or continue your online business on eBay. Selling through that site or any site of that sort is a great opportunity to earn some income. However, that opportunity will only transform to success if the individual has what it takes and does everything to make it happen.

Posted By Waqas A.11:22

16 Questions Critical To Starting An Internet Business

It is usually overwhelming for a prospective internet marketer at the point of starting an internet business.What with the many aspects he has to consider.

1. Does it matter whatever domain name I pick?

2. How much should I invest in this online business initially before it starts generating revenue?

3. What advertising sources do I invest in and which do I get free?

4. What website type do I use – static or dynamic?

5. What online marketing training program do I join to put me through? Which are the best of these online marketing training programs?

6. Which forums do I hang out at where I can find my colleagues in a similar niche? Which are the best of these forums?

7. How do I get my website set up? Do I design it from scratch, use templates or even go for an already completely set up website?

8. What plethora of internet marketing tools and resources am I required to keep and utilize?

9. On completion of my website set up, how do I subsequently keep updating it? Update myself or outsource?

10. If I learn to update my website, what software or web platform is most ideal for me to get this done?

11. What blogging platform do I use – blogger or wordpress?

12. Do I start with just one internet affiliate program and after making some progress begin to add others?

13. Of the available internet affiliate programs, which do I join?

14. How will the internet affiliate programs I intend selecting pay me my commissions?

15. How fast will I start to make money online with affiliate program?

16. Can my country’s nationals fit perfectly into the internet affiliate programs I intend getting involved with?

As you can see, these are all valid questions that arise in starting an internet business and I can go on and on.
It should by now be apparent that there are so many other necessary questions that you cannot even imagine, given the depth of your training and experience in internet marketing as at now.
It is thus best you seek guidance in starting your own small business, as some mistakes made at the outset cannot be corrected later on, along your internet marketing journey.
The objective of pointing out a microcosm of the necessary questions that should arise in starting an internet business therefore, is for you to get assistance before it is too late.

This assistance is best with an online marketing training program and many are free.
When you join such a program, it is like killing many birds with one stone, as you discover that most of these questions get addressed and you get tailored towards achieving your objective.
Of course, you have to join the best of these online marketing training programs which has the characteristics of a good online marketing training program, to get value, as there abound many out there that are mere theoretical programs which will not serve your purpose.

The questions identified above are not theoretical such as can be addressed in an e-book or a theoretical course but requires a multidimensional practical approach which is best given in a good online marketing training program.

Let us quickly drill down to just one of the above questions – How do I get my website set up? Do I design from scratch, use templates or even go for already completely set up money making websites?
When you are new to internet marketing and web designing, I will advise you to go for pre-setup money making websites as there are a lot of things to take into consideration in setting up a website for internet marketing purposes such as on-site search engine optimization.

It is also for this reason that it is advisable you get money making websites from an online marketing training program rather than just have a web designer design one for you as many things that are internet marketing related have to be taken into consideration if your website is to perform optimally in the search engines, which you may not know contributes about 70% of traffic to websites on the internet.
Again, perhaps you do not know yet, traffic is the lifeblood of any internet marketing business, as your website is as good as dead without traffic.

Is it any surprise therefore that in starting an internet business, you have to carefully select an online marketing training program to lead you along the right path?

Posted By Waqas A.11:20

5 Focus Factors To Use For Your Online Business

One of the biggest game killers for an online business is lack of focus. The internet is jam packed with distractions and time wasting activities. It is easy to waste hours doing useless things online without even realizing it.There are millions of websites and people trying to get your attention and that can be very distracting, if you let it. The key is to stay 100% focused on your business and perform only those tasks that will move you forward.After wasting hours and hours of my own time online, I decided to get serious and stay focused on my business. As you can imagine, it has helped me a ton and it will help you as well.

1. Stick To A Designated Action Plan
It is super important that you have an action plan for your online business. It is not a good idea to get online without a gameplan. If you get online without a clear idea of what you are going to be doing, you will just get lost in a never ending sea of distractions.Having an action plan will help you to navigate through all of the online distractions, so that you can focus on what is important for your business. Having an action plan
will also help you to stay more consistent with your efforts.

2. Don’t Check Your E-mail More Than Once Per Day
As you probably already know, checking your e-mail can be a very big distraction. If you have to check it more than once per day that is fine, as long as you limit yourself.
It is a better idea to check e-mail only after you have completed all your tasks for the day. This way it won’t distract you.Almost all e-mails can wait. In fact, you could probably check your e-mail 2-3 times a week and be perfectly fine. The trick is to eliminate your distractions and e-mail is a big distraction for most people.

3. Set Goals
It seems like everyone is always talking about the importance of having goals. Well goals are very important for your online business because they are going to help you to stay focused. You should have daily goals that are part of your action plan.When you are setting goals you should remember to set short term, medium, and long term goals for yourself. This is going to keep you on track to achieving what you want.

4. Keep Track Of Your Progress
It is also good to look at the progress that you have been having in your business. Being online makes it very easy to get all of the statistics you need to see. Google Analytics will give you all sorts of helpful statistics that you can go back to often.This will give you a good idea of what is working and it will also motivate you to get more good results.

5. Have A Clear Vision
This is almost like having goals for your business, except it is a little bit different. Goals are great for pushing yourself to reach new pinnacles of success. Having a clear vision means knowing where you are going.
There are so many ways to make money online that it can be confusing some times. You should know exactly how you are going to monetize your efforts and then stick to it. It will not be effective for you to try to make money a million different ways.

In Conclusion
Doing these 5 things above have dramatically changed my productivity online, and they will do the same for you if you apply them. There is no substitute for focused, consistent action in any business online, or off.

Posted By Waqas A.11:18