How to Make Your Blog More Professional Looking and Attractive

Provide information, get visitors 

Professional blogs are the kind of blogs that people will enjoy reading. If you have comfortable and professional design in your blog, people will be willing to spend lots of time with your blog. They will browse your blog happily and read any information that you offer to them. With a good and professional looking blog design, you can keep your readers’ satisfaction high so that they will want to visit your blog again and again. Here are 7 tips to make your blog more professional looking and attractive:

1. Make it clean and comfortable to the eye

Clean blog design will make it comfortable for your readers to read your content for a long time. Cluttered blog design will only repel your readers from reading your blog content. That’s why you need to make your design clean and comfortable for your readers. Provide lots of white spaces in your blog and adjust your blog layout for the best viewing.

2. Use premium blog template

The easiest way to have a professional looking blog is to purchase a license for premium blog template. Although the license might be a bit expensive (from $47-$97), but you can give the best for your blog in this way. Premium blog templates usually have complete SEO feature that will help your blog to rank high in the search engines quickly.

3. Adjust the font and color to make it attractive

Make sure that the font and color of your blog is beautifully adjusted for the best visual experience. For instance, you can use different font for each of your blog post title. You can also use bold, italic, or underline in different parts of your blog. With a simple modification in your blog’s font and color, you can produce the best visual experience for your readers.

4. Use professional design for your blog logo

Your blog logo is your blog brand. It means that your blog logo will be considered as a representative of your blog. In order to make your blog look more professional, you will need to use professional design for your logo. You can’t just use a plain text. If you use only plain text, it will ruin your blog credibility.

5. Keep your banners and advertisements organized

Do not clutter your blog with unnecessary pop ups and do not place banners everywhere. You need to have special spot within your blog where you put your banners and advertisements in place. It is better for you to keep your blog tidy. Remember that more ads don’t mean more earning for you.

6. Pretty up your header and footer

Your blog header and footer are two important places where people will look often. Moreover, they represent 75% of your overall blog design. So, you should make them look attractive. For instance, instead of just putting copyright text in your footer, it is better for you to include some important modules such as about us, social media plugin, recent posts, and popular posts. It will make your footer look attractive.

7. Use professional images for your content

Plain text content is not attractive to read. In your blog, you should always include images inside your content. It will make your content look more interesting to read. Also, images in your content will give positive impression for people who visit your blog for the first time.
Those are some tips to make your blog more professional looking and attractive. First impression is important in blogging. If you can’t give positive first impression to your blog visitors, they will not become your loyal readers.


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