The more engaged your users are, the more likely they are to comment, share or like your content. Low engagement means your users may not even be seeing your content. It could also mean your posts are missing the mark with your users. On the other hand, high engagement means you have a healthy Facebook page. In order to use Facebook as an effective marketing tool, you should regularly check your engagement metrics and work to improve your user engagement.
That said, here are five different ways you can improve your readers’ engagement.
#1 – Ask for Feedback
Customers are going to give feedback whether you like it or not. The only difference is, if you ask for it, they’ll express it to you rather than (or in addition to) their social network.
If your customers have a complaint, you want to hear about it directly. You don’t want them posting it to their walls. If your customers love your social media strategy, you want to hear about that as well so you can continue doing whatever it was that they loved.
#2 – Post When You’ll Get Read
Post your content during times of day when you’ll likely be read by your target audience.
The best times of day are as follows. In the morning, between 10am and 11am is when people have a bit of downtime at work. People rarely check Facebook before work, since they’re in a rush to get ready. However, once they’ve settled down on their computer and gotten any urgent communications out of the way, they’ll often check Facebook.
Next you have 4pm to 5pm, when people get off work. Finally, you have 10pm to 11pm, when people do their late night Facebook checks. These times have come up time and again as the best times to post updates.
Make sure you’re posting during these times, in whatever time zones the majority of your audience is in.
#3 – Establish Alerts & Monitors
Setup systems that’ll alert you whenever your brand’s name is mentioned on Twitter, the blogosphere or public Facebook pages. This will allow you to catch any potentially bad PR early on, rather than once it goes viral.
People want to know that you’re listening to their concerns. If a customer posts something to their Twitter and receives a response directly from your company quickly, it’ll diffuse any potential tension. Furthermore, you’ve increased engagement and opened a new channel of communication.
#4 – Do Prized Surveys Regularly
Sometimes asking for feedback just isn’t enough. Instead, you need to conduct a survey of your customers on your service quality, pricing, products, branding, marketing, communication and a whole host of other questions. Since you’re asking for such an in depth commitment from them in the form of filling out a large survey, you can’t reasonably expect them to do it for free.
Instead, offer a prize. For example, you might randomly give a $100 iTunes gift card to one survey participant. Even if most people know they won’t reasonably have a chance to win the card, they’ll still often fill out the survey on the off chance.
The survey will give you important data that’ll allow you to tailor fit your message to improve your facebook engagement. Also, someone who goes out of their way to fill out a long survey is much more engaged with your brand already.
#5 – Balance Statistical Analysis with Emotional Contact
Doing well on social media requires that you have a good balance between optimizing your stats and making powerful emotional contact.
In your stats dashboard, you want to constantly aim to improve your engagement stats. You want to improve your virality, you want to improve your reach, you want the numbers to go up. It’s a very analytical kind of mindset.
On the other hand, you also need to be able to put your statistician hat down and engage with your users as real human beings. It’s this human to human approach that builds real goodwill in a brand.
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