When you plan to set up a blog, many factors come to your mind. First the blog should be neat. The content should be compelling. The blog should drive traffic. More traffic means more readers, followers and other extra income. So usually we try to make the blog as Search Engine friendly as possible. We add all the available SEO plugins. We also try to get links from other sites, which are very much related to our blog in terms of content.
Another way to promote your blog is to submit your blog to various blog directories, which contains list of the blogs. These directories make it easier for other to find blogs related to their interest and helps us in getting targeted visitors. There are various blog directories available, but I would like to list 10 of them which I have found useful.
1) Bloggeries
Bloggeries is a good blog directory. It accepts blogs. It has various sub categories. It features are forums, listing of the most viewed blog, latest blogs etc.
2) Blogged.com
This is a free directory. It shows the postings of the blogs as a News feeder format. various features of it is following others, starting discussion etc.
3) Blog Explosion
Blog Explosion is another free blog directory which helps in getting traffic to your site. Once you submit your site, it would take up to 7 days to get your site approved or rejected.
4) Super Blog Directory
This is another blog directory with useful features such as the latest submitted links and blogs, most popular blogs, top rated blogs etc.
5) Bloggapedia
Bloggapedia is another free blog directory with a good layout. It helps to see the most popular searches in the directory.6) Bloggernity
Another blog directory which is free and worth for blog submission. Offers features such as forums, blog search etc.
7) Blog Universe
Blog Universe is another unique blog. It is used to submit video and podcast blogs.
8) Blogcatalog
This blog directory serves as a social community for bloggers. It helps in searching, connecting with other bloggers, promoting your own blog etc.
9) Blog Hub
Another important blog directory with features such as new blogger list, hot topics etc.
10) Spill Bean
Spill Bean is another attractive and simple blog directory which helps you to submit your blog for free.
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