How To Create A Great About Me Page For Your Blog

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An about me page is more than just a page about you; it’s a great way to tell people what you’re about and allows them to identify with you and your blog. About me pages are one of the most overlooked pages on a blog.
Unfortunately, bloggers that do not utilize an about me page are severely gimping their chances to connect and build a community. Within this post, I’m going to share with you some of the ways you can create a great about me page to build trust and a community on your blog.

Introduce Yourself

The first and foremost thing you should do with your about me page is to introduce who you are. A visitor that lands on your blog may greatly enjoy your writing and subject, they may want to get to know you better.
Guess where they look? – The “about me” page.
By telling people who you are, what you do and why you created your blog, you’ll be able to fulfill your visitor’s inquiries and build a better long term relationship through trust.

Tell Your Story

Another great use of the about me page is to tell your unique story.
Stories are driven by passion; it could be rags to riches, an accident or a general interest with starting your blog.
Ever wonder why movies and books are so well received? It’s the story.
A story is the chance to tell your unique angle on life, to identify with people that have experienced similar events. A story gives your reader a glimpse into your eyes, it shows character and allows people to trust you.

Show Off Your Accomplishments

Resumes are the thing of the past; it’s accomplishments that get people’s attention. If you’ve done something remarkable in your life, don’t be afraid to share it in your about me page.
Tell people about your skills, important events in your life, major hurdles you’ve overcome. The blog will help validate these points by showing off your skills within your niche.
Backed by your about me page, people will fall in love with you and your blog.

Tell Them How You Can Help Them

For many people, it’s WIIFM (What’s In It For Me). Instead of talking about the points of your blog, you can talk about the solutions your visitors will receive by reading your blog.
By presenting your visitors with solutions, they will dig deeper into your blog to find them. People inherently have some kind of problem that needs to be fixed. They are seeking information about a topic and by providing them with how you’ll solve this problem, you’ll engage the reader.

Share Some Media

One picture will do but a video is better.
By showing off pictures of where you’ve been, recording a video interview about yourself or sharing an audio clip, you’ll be able to engage visitors on a new level besides text.
The addition of pictures will also allow people to use these images when talking about your blog or if you’re featured in print. Think of this as your media kit.


After you’ve told a little bit about yourself, make sure you give your visitor the option to ask additional questions or get in touch with you.
Place a contact form on your about me page. This can be accomplished with simple coding or WordPress plugins such as Contact Form 7.

Final Thoughts

Don’t let your about me page go waste. You’ll be surprised how many people visit your site and immediately delve deeper to find out more about you.
Don’t be shy, take this opportunity to build your brand and strengthen your community. People want to know who they are talking with, who they’re reading and what you’re all about – share it with them with an about me page.
If you don’t have an about me page setup, go do this now, you won’t be sorry.


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