As a business person, your prime goal would be to sell your product and build your brand. You may also have succeeded on the ground level – through word of mouth and other forms of conventional marketing and advertising – but what about your virtual presence?
The web is vast and building your brand on such a vast level takes strategy as well as planned efforts. Broadly speaking, there are 3 zones in which you can work:
A. Pay Per Click PPC Campaigns
B. Search Engine Optimization SEO
C. Social Media Optimization SMO
B. Search Engine Optimization SEO
C. Social Media Optimization SMO
Here are top tips for each of these sections:
Smart Tips For Pay Per Click Campaigns:
1. Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion
The DKI has the awesome advantage of simply fine tuning itself as per the user’s choice. This is a great way to attract users. For instance, if they type “Branded sunglasses for sale” the ad copy will show “Branded sunglasses for sale”, making it directly relevant for the search. Of course, selling sunglasses should be your business! The rest is managed by dynamic keywords!
2. Create A Negative Keyword List
Suppose you offer the best “take away” or “delivery” food, but not a dine in service, then make sure the former two keywords do not lead to your ad when someone is looking for restaurant to dine in. however, your PPC campaign should feature every time someone is looking to place an order online. The idea is to streamline to most relevant searches, and optimize conversions and branding.
3. Create Multiple Copy Samples
More like split test your work. Having more than one ad copy for your PPC campaign is good for the business as it helps you judge what people are reacting to more positively. This helps branding too because of re-call value that may be created.
Smart And Quick SEO Tips For Branding
First of all ask a web expert to design your site form the SEO point of view. This may seem “not worth while” but it’s better to get an expert to do the job than to completely miss out on great opportunities for branding. Start with the smart move of getting the expert on board!
4. Design Or Re-Design Your Website Keeping SEO In Mind
Things like Keywords on all your pages, the correct key phrases etc. matter a lot while optimizing your site for search engines.
5. Rectify Linking Issues
Check if canonicalization issues persist and pick up the address format that you want for your site and stick to it. Also ensure that your home page linking is perfect.
6. Awesome Content
There’s nothing to elaborate here. Keep your content high on great Content and it shall work well with search engines too.
Social Media Tips For Branding
7. Be Genuine
Create a brand identity on social networking site. Be present on the leading sites like Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest but at the same time, be professional and genuine.
8. Be genuinely interested in users
This means that as a brand you must be genuinely interested in your customers. It means you should be approachable, reachable and easy to interact with.
9. Be Regular
Social media is vibrant and fast; which means, you can’t be making one post in 10 days! Try to be regular with posts, information and updates. Also, when it comes to interactions, also be quick!
Social media is a platform to build real relationships and build brands!
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